Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sluiter Home Tour: Where we Chow Down

This is the circle of friends.  A co-worker friend got this for me as a gift a couple years ago and I love it.  It's place is in the center of our dining room table--because I always pictured the dining/kitchen area as a place to gather.

I posted about the kitchen half of our kitchen/dining area a couple weeks ago.  This week we are jumping the island to take a peek at where we eat the food that is prepared.

It's not very big.  It is not very big AT ALL.  In fact? This area is tiny.  We all get a little squeezed in when we have friends over.

And you can see that this area also doubles as the home office area for now.  We are working on that though.  Hopefully by the end of the year our laptops will live downstairs on the desk.  But for now?  Kitchen table.

Which causes clutter.  Which stresses me out.


Besides the circle of friends and our cool high top table, this is really my most FAVORITE thing in the dining area...maybe in the whole house.  This painting was done by our very best friend, Mat, (of m9 design).  He was just starting to do large, custom paintings out of his apartment back in Chicago.  We sent him this picture from our visit to Seattle:
He took the top and  made it into an awesome painting for us.  and he changed the time on the clock to read 6:18 since that is our anniversary:  June 18. And he made the sky blue, since that is just happier and looks better in painting form.

It is one of the first things you see when you come into my home, and I LOVE that!

One of the LAST things I want you to see is this:
Admittedly this looks REALLY good right now.  Cortney cleaned it up.  It was so bad that it gave me anxiety that soon we would have nasty bugs living in our house feasting off what Eddie left behind.

And splat mat or not, the carpet in this area is GROSS.

And so are the blinds next to his chair.  He enjoys rubbing his nasty hand on them.  I realize vertical blinds are not the worlds most beautiful window treatment to begin with, but this?  Makes them barfable.

I have a love-hate relationship with our dining area.  While I love the things we have put in it to make it ours and to make it cozy, I also hate that this is where many frustrations occur.

The battles with Eddie over not flinging food.

Budget discussions.

The battles with Eddie over eating certain foods.

Eddie getting stuck under chairs.

The constant clutter of having our computers and "work" on the dining room table.

But even with all those frustrations?  This is the place that we spend the most time together.  We eat all of our meals here together.  We chat and laugh here together. We discuss our days and our troubles and our joys here.


If you are new to this tour and would like to see previously "shown" rooms, here are the links:
Master bedroom

Monday, August 30, 2010

Missing the Silly

This is it.

Summer is officially over.

I know, I know.  Good old "Kyle" on Storm Team8 claims we are entering into a big old heat wave and temperatures are going to soar into the 90's.  I realize this SOUNDS like summer is still here.  But it is not.

Tonight (Monday), I start teaching.  Monday and Wednesday nights I will be teaching a composition class at Grand Rapids Community College.

Also this week?  Meeting start at my high school teaching job.  And students will be back in the desks the day after labor day.

I will be logging more than 60 hours a week with driving and working combined.

Every day I will leave before my little buddy is awake.

Two nights a week I won't return until after he is sleeping.

I will see even less of Cortney because he too is starting classes.  He will be in class Monday and Thursday evenings.  And he will be gone bowling Tuesday evenings.

We will go from being a family of three who sees each other from sun up to sun down every single day, to being a family of 3 who is only together on weekends.

I really, REALLY wanted to blog about something else.  Something more cheerful.  Especially since I was able to find my bond with my little boy (as posted about yesterday...in the post below this one).

How overjoyed was I?  And now?  I feel like I am being ripped away.

Our family has had such fun, silly moments that we totally would have missed out on if we didn't have all this time together.

Today for instance, my child decided to...

wear a box on his head and walk into things.

place his sippy IN a bucket and drink it this way (he is going to be AWESOME in college, by the way).

And pull his diaper almost completely off while standing and watching Little Einsteins.

And then?  When he noticed that WE noticed what he was doing?  He thought he could distract us by "dancing it out."  For your viewing pleasure:

How in the world can I go back to work?  I am going to miss so much fun and so much silly!

Eddie is on the verge of saying some REAL words....

He is getting so funny and so crazy...

We have developed a bond...

Cortney and I have just figured out to co-exist at home all day with each other AND still like each other...

I know all the positives about starting school and getting into a routine and making some extra money for my family.

I know this. 

But I am also acutely aware of what I will be missing.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

He is My Boy

First?  Because Ann didn't get back to me within 48 hours of being announced the winner (and I couldn't find an email address for her), I drew a NEW winner of the Gussy Giveaway...PINKFLIPFLOPS!  You are the new winner!  Email me at ksluiter (at) hotmail (dot) com and I will get you hooked up!


Yesterday was a glorious day.  It was the kind of day we live in Michigan for.  It was a boating/beach day.

We frolicked in the big waves, soaked up the warm sun, and played on the sandy beach.  We had fun.
We were on the beach for a good four hours before riding back to the marina.  It was a rolly, wavy, day, but we loved it.
We all returned home wind blown, a little sandy, and very much exhausted.  But very happy.  And very grateful to friends who are like our family.

As expected, after his bath, Eddie was WAY tired after missing his nap--save for a snooze on the boat out to the beach and back from the beach.  So I rocked him and he was out by 8:00pm.

I popped some popcorn and Cortney and I settled in with our computers and the History channel and some water to re-hydrate us from the big day.  All was well.

Until 10:00pm.  It started as just a small whimper.  Usually if we hear a little moan or whimper it just means he's rolling over and we don't hear another peep.

This time the whimper turned into long, sad moans.  I looked up at Cort and said that I would go see what the deal was.  I figured he lost his pipey in all his blankies and lovies and just needed it back and maybe also a little pat on the back.

When I walked into his semi-dark room I saw him lying on his back just wailing.  He was frantic.  He was afraid. And his eyes were still closed.

Bad dream?  Night terror?  It's hard to tell when they are this small and can't tell you.  So I picked him up and tried to give him his pipey and rock him.

He screamed.  Terrified wailing screams.

He was shaking.  He was gasping for air.  He was TERRIFIED.

So I brought him out of his room into the living room where the lights and TV were on.  I tried to hand him to Cortney, but he screamed harder.  He reached for me.  He shook because he couldn't catch his breath.

I took him up in my arms and he put his head down and stopped crying.  He was still shaking and gasping for breath, but he wasn't crying.

I thought maybe he could be rocked.  We went back into his room and rocked back and forth, back and forth.  He quieted.  His eyes closed.  He clung to his blankie.

I gently set him back in his bed.  As I was walking back down the hall?  He started screaming again.

Cortney tried this time.  Eddie bawled while Cort rocked him.  He screamed when Cort tried to lay him down.  He bellowed as Cort brought him back out into the living room.

And then he saw me.  And reached frantically for me.

I took my little boy. And he quieted.  And snuggled down. We hunkered down in my chair together until he fell asleep.  Then I took him to his room and rocked for a little while.

He woke up one more time, but Cort was able to sooth him back to sleep for the night.

But you guys?  In that terror?  He wanted ME.  He clung to ME.  

Most days he doesn't care which parent has him.  He has even had times where he has preferred Cort.  But for the first time?  He only wanted ME.

Although I had visions of the night being LOONNGG if he didn't stay sleeping and wouldn't let Cortney console him?  something in me smiled that my little boy wanted his mommy when he was scared.

It settled something deep inside me that he could only feel safe enough to close his eyes if he was near me.  It made the momma in me sing.

This is what I longed for all summer.  It is the connection I had hoped to foster with my little boy.  It was the one goal on the To Do list that really mattered.

And after last night?  I can indubidably say that that goal?  Has been checked off the list...and I am quite enjoying it.

And my little boy?

He is MY little boy.  And I?  Am HIS momma.  We have a bond.  And it is strong. Indubitably strong.

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Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday Flip-offs #6 and the Giveaway Winners!

Before I start flipping stuff off from my week, I need to get down to some much awaited business.  That would be the business of the winners....so....here they are:

Tie A Little Ribbon $15 Store Credit:  Pua
JSanken Photography prints:  Tricia
Gussy $30 store credit: Ann
Bird E Studios bib, paci clip, diaper clutch bundle:  Blair
The Vintage Pearl $25 store credit: Mormishmom

Yay!!!  I am super excited for all of you!  You have 48 hours (until Sunday morning) to claim your prize by emailing me at ksluiter (at) hotmail (dot) com.  If you don't get to me by then?  I will draw a new winner.

Oh, and come back next week!  25 Design and I are teaming up for...ANOTHER GIVEAWAY!  Woot!

And now for the less exciting stuff....the flip-offs.

First?  I need to re-flip off roseola.  Just because um, hello?  you struck my son TWICE this summer!  That is not even supposed to be able to happen!  You are mean and make him grumpy and sad. Cut it out!  and?  FLIP OFF!

Next, I am going to go ahead and flip off long, boring meetings. I realize that back to school means meetings.  I get that.  But why, oh why do they have to be so long and boring?  We hear the same thing every year (or semester depending on which of my teaching jobs we are talking about).  Either how great the school is doing and growing and how they can't do it without us or how we are still losing students and cuts are imminent (again) and that we need to work harder on improving test scores.  I mean, can't this be summed up better?  Or have the time be more useful?  I don't know...it just sucks to jam it all in at once and burn everyone out right at the start..  so, um...FLIP OFF!

Also, I need to flip off rude emails.  In my experience, if you don't know what you are talking about?  Don't go on a rant.  You look like an idiot.  And?  I will flip off your email on my blog.  So flippity flip off.

And lastly, on a serious note, I want to flip off unemployment.  Really, unemployment?  You suck the worst.  Not because you rob our family of money for groceries, bills, and Eddie's college fund (well for those things too), but because you make my wonderful, talented, sweet husband feel like crap from time to time. He tries so hard not to let you get to him, but sometimes?  You make him feel like less than he really is and that makes me want to go all medieval on you.  I hate you, unemployment.  Hate.  So I am flipping you off.  And if I could?  I would also kick you in your arse. And tell you to suck it.

WHEW!  Ok!  That feels better!

What is that you say?  You want even MORE flip-offs?  Well, then, head over to my girl, Kludgy Mom's and read hers (and the eleventy billion others who have linked up)...and if you are feeling all flippity too?  Join in!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Potter Picnic 2010

This past weekend was the annual Potter Picnic--Cort's mom's side of the family.  There are five siblings in my mom-in-law's family and each of the five sibling families wore a different color T-shirt.  Ours?  Yellow!

The Potter Picnic is fun, but it is SERIOUS fun! It is NOT your mediocre, run-of the mill family reunion.  OH NO...

It all starts out with games...tournament style...where you get to compete for prizes.  There is something for EVERYONE.

Ladder Ball (or as we Sluiters call it, Hilly Billy Golf)

Cornhole (yes, that is the real name of this game.  what can I say?  we are classy)

more corn hole...just because we all needed one more giggle at the name.


Horse shoes

Yes, there were even written quizzes.  The Potter family?  They take competition seriously.

and you can't leave until you guess how many m&ms or what the three objects in the coffee can are.

And you KNEW there was a score board, right?

And Grandpa and Grandma Potter?  They supervised and enjoyed watching us run amok.

And the littlest Potter also did some supervising.  Oh hey, Miles!

The trophies:  which totally went to the Red Shirts (Keith Potter family) AGAIN this year.  I think they have everyone by sheer numbers in their family!

Debate over the scoreboard.

Did I mention it's serious business?  Because it SO is.

Even Eddie found it fun to run around the playing fields (yes, there are even regulation lines chalked in.  SERIOUS, people.)

The yellow team?  We did not do so well.

But Cody totally represented by qualifying to climb the rope!  And he did it with speed AND agility!  We were so proud!

We all watched the climbers.  They were pretty amazing.  And?  I am glad I didn't have to try because I am fairly sure I would have hurt myself in more than one way.

The yellow team in their glory...with G&G Potter

The entire Potter Picnic.  We are so dang lucky to have this much love in just ONE of side of the family!
Such a fun day...even if we had to leave before dinner because Eddie was LOSING it from lack of nap.

And I think?  Grandpa and Grandma had a pretty happy day too!

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

In honor of my little brother's impending one year anniversary to his beautiful bride, today's Wordless Wednesday is a little vintage Eddie and his cousin Jack...all suited up and waiting for wedding fun.

This post is linked up at:
join us for more Wordless Wednesday fun!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fourteen Months

My Eddie Bear is now fourteen months old.  We just realized that we now can say, "at this time last year you were..." because he has been around for longer than a year!

As i was getting him dressed the other day I chuckled about the fact that at this time last year?  I almost NEVER put pants on him.  Just a onsie and socks.
Now we are lucky to GET clothes on this guy!  He tends to wiggle away and RUN when he is nude!  After a bath?  He makes a break for it!  Because playing with toys is fun, but playing with toys in the nude? Way better.
He is also getting pretty darn creative about WHERE he plays.  In fact, he can usually get himself into these spots, but has developed a most annoying WHINE when he cannot get himself out.
He is also VERY helpful.  If one of us is trying to do something, Eddie will be right there trying to help us out.  In this case, Cort was trying to fix the igniter on the gas stove.  Don't worry, no one was blown up.
Eddie is getting unbelievably smart.  This could just be my mommy brag talking here, but what other kid would grab the muffin pan, and then promptly put each of his little peoples and their animals in each holder.  And then find a couple other toys when he realizes there are still vacancies in the muffin pan? 

Seriously though, he is all inquisitive and likes to put things where they belong (the gate by the steps is supposed to be closed.  All doors are closed.  Pillows get set on the couch. Etc). or where they will fit (anything that is small enough DOES go into the ball popper, for instance.).  He likes to figure out things like his shape sorter and his duplo blocks.

And he is still quite the eater.  He eats ONLY table food now.  Very rarely do we prepare something different for him.  (Here he is eating chicken nuggets, melon, and avocado with milk in his sippy.)  He knows when he is full and let's us know by either threatening to toss his plate to the floor, or, if we are not paying attention, actually throwing the plate on the floor.  And then whining.

Have I mentioned the whining?  Yes, it is a new, not fun thing about 14 months.  He throws tantrums (throwing things and hitting) when he is displeased.  We are handling it pretty well trying to teach discipline by giving time outs and taking him away from certain situations.  He is strong-willed, that is for sure, but little does he know...we are MORE strong-willed.  Bwhahahaha!

Oh yes, and those curls?  Are coming in nicely, as you can see.  I think I hear Cort tell Eddie every day, "I'm sorry son." or "someday?  You will have two choices for haircuts.  Short or Long."  As cute and soft and lovely as they are now?  They will be Cort's hair someday if history tells us anything.  But I am ok with that because I think it's cute.

It's hard not to love those chubby cheeks and that curly hair.  I probably cuddle up to that face a million times a day.  And he is giving more and more "kisses" lately too.  And he is getting some verbal communication.  He has words for Mama and Dada.  But he knows "all done" and "night night" and "nom noms" (for food).  He recognizes them when we use them and is starting to imitate them back to us.

Yes, this little guy sure is different at 14 months than he was at 2 months!  But I am getting more hugs and kisses and cuddles and chattiness, so I will take it!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Back To School Bonanza Giveaway Recap

Whew!  That?  Was a WHOLE bunch of giveaways!  While I sat in school and worked on syllabi and lesson plans, and classroom organization?  My blog was posting FIVE awesome giveaways!

Just a few reminders:
  • Each giveaway will run until Thursday, August 26 at 1:00pm est
  • I will draw ONE winner for each using random.org
  • Make sure you check back on Friday, August 27 to see the winners...each will have 48 hours to claim his/her prize before I draw someone new.

That is all!  Oh, and here is a recap of the giveaways in case you missed them and want to still enter:
Tie A Little Ribbon: $15 store credit
JSanken Photography: two 5x7 prints of the nature shots in the post
Gussy: $30 store credit (not including baby blankets)
Bird E Studios:  bib, paci clip, and diaper clutch bundle (your choice of fabric)
The Vintage Pearl: $25 store credit

Next week I will have my very first guest post up for Back to School!  You won't want to miss it!

Back To School Bonanza Giveaway #5: The Vintage Pearl

I am going BACK TO SCHOOL this week, and I thought I would end the summer with a bang...of giveaways!

The Vintage Pearl.  Sigh...this was my very first love affair with online hand-crafted lovlies.  The personalized jewelry and keepsakes are perfect for absolutely anyone in your life!

A little "about" The Vintage Pearl (per the website):
"The Vintage Pearl began in 2007 as a creative outlet while staying home and raising our kids. It quickly blossomed into a business and continues to grow! I feel extremely blessed to be able to work while home with my kids!

"We use only the finest materials in our hand stamped jewelry, every piece is entirely made of sterling silver, from the chains to the jump rings, unless otherwise noted in the description."

This is one of my most favorite that I hope to own someday...the "you are my sunshine" necklace!  I think many momma's like me sing that song to their wee ones.  What a special way to cherish those moments!

Erin, the lovely lady behind the jewelry blogs here .And you can follow her on twitter here!

I am SO excited to announce that The Sluiter Nation Back To School Bonanza's FINAL giveaway is gift certificate worth $25 to the Vintage Pearl!!

All you have to do to enter is leave me a comment here telling me what you love best about The Vintage Pearl!

For anyone who wants a couple more chances at winning, you can also...
  • Tweet about this giveaway: "Sluiter Nation is going Back To School with @thevintagepearl!  Check out their giveaway at http://bit.ly/a8HlhJ" (make sure you come back and leave a separate comment telling me you tweeted!)
  • "Like" Sluiter Nation on facebook (come back and leave a separate comment telling me you do).
 Three ways to win!  Good luck!

**This giveaway closes at 1:00pm est on Thursday, August 26, 2010 (which is also the day of my first Back to School meeting).  The winner will be announced Friday!

**Disclosure:  The Vintage Pearl is providing the spoils for this giveaway!  I was not compensated for this review; all opinions are entirely my own based on my own purchases from The Vintage Pearl.  Not that my raves could be bought anyway, of course!
"I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying." ~Michael Jordan