Thursday, November 8, 2007

This Week in Sluiter Nation...

We started the week off well with an extra hour of sleep on Sunday - the perfect thing to energize us through this busy week. Here it is...the good, the bad, and the ugly of This Week in Sluiter Nation...

Monday night I put in a good 13 hours at school trying to get caught up on grades (they were due for report card printing by Tuesday morning). My WONDERFUL husband drove out to Wyoming to help me grade exams while I graded essays. He also brought us dinner. mmm!

For anyone who watches the news - either local or national - you may have seen some of the press on Wyoming Public Schools. The local ABC affiliate (channel 13 news) and the national FOX News both ran stories about our new "no failure" policy. While there are wrinkles in this plan that need to be ironed out, it is unfortunate that something that is meant to help kids is being so crudely scrutinized in the media. No matter what is said in the media, I can say first hand that while I don't always agree with policies the district puts in place, I have never doubted that they want to put kids first. I am proud to work for Wyoming Public Schools.

Cortney and my brother Chris continue to bowl on Tuesdays - I haven't heard any complaints except the occasional grumble about crappy scores.

I continue to plug away at my grad class at WMU.

Keep watching the Life &Style section of the Holland Sentinel - I just submitted my second article. I believe it will be running on a Tuesday - so keep your eyes open!

Finally, Parent/Teacher conferences start tomorrow! Oh joy!


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"I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying." ~Michael Jordan