Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Where Does Time Go?

Well, I blinked and all of a sudden it's October! Cortney is almost done with one of his classes (it's a half semester long), and he has a solid 100% in the class! As long as he aces the exam next week, he will be kicking his college career off with a 4.0! Dang!

This weekend is also homecoming at Wyoming Park, and because I am one of the senior class advisers, I've had more work to do than usual. I am in charge of the senior homecoming court which means I have to organize the voting for who is on court and then the voting for who gets the honor of being crowned king and queen. I am also in charge of finding six convertibles for our court members to ride in during the homecoming parade and at half-time for the ceremony. Lastly, I have to organize and script the halftime ceremony and rehearse it with the entire court. It's all a lot of work, but luckily it is really all done in about a week and a half's time and then it's over til the next year. So in two days...I'll be done with it for another year! And you can bet I will post pictures!

October means pumpkin carving and trick-or-treaters, so stay tuned for all our Halloween excitement here in Sluiter Nation!


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