Sunday, February 8, 2009

Baby Registry Extravaganza Take One!

Yesterday, Cortney and I ventured out to 28th Street to Babies R Us to get our baby registry started. I have to admit, I have been overwhelmed by this for the past week! However, after getting tons of advice and tips from friends and other mom's (and dad's!), and doing my research online first, Cort and I went in equipped with a pretty good list of stuff we wanted.

The drive out there was not bad at all, but the parking lot was PACKED when we arrived! I was already worried about getting crabby and frustrated (I know...that does not sound like me at ALL!), but we had water and a snack in the car in case I needed a break.

The people were SO helpful. We walked right up to the Baby Registry kiosk and a lovely lady got us started with our scanner gun and a copy of a checklist for us to use. She also printed off a bunch of cards for us to give people to let them know where we are registered.

At this point, Cort and I were let loose in the store. I looked at Cort and said, "so where do we start?" I was starting to sense my panic setting in. He calmly said, "let's do like we do at the grocery store: start at one end with our list, and just move to the other, checking things off as we go." He is so smart! I am so glad he was there!

We started with bottles and other baby care, moved to "baby gear" like strollers and bouncy seats, and were looking at baby gates when we needed a quick bathroom break. Then we moved back to the baby gates, into bedding, then to furniture, and ended in more bedding--at which point we were both getting pretty sick of it and wanted to quit.

By the end, we didn't have EVERYTHING we wanted on the list, but we had a good start. No one (meaning me) had a meltdown or needed to take a break in the truck, and no one (again, meaning me) yelled at really, it was a good day. And actually, as we turned in our scanner and headed out into the sunshine to the truck, we both agreed that it was actually a pretty fun experience!

After pizza and games at the Visels, we headed home and I went straight to the computer to view out registry online to make sure it was all there!

It was! Cortney and I are already planning a Valentine's Day Date to Target this coming Saturday to try to finish the registry. Everything is going pretty smoothly and we are really excited about picking things out for Eddie. All in all...a great experience!


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"I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying." ~Michael Jordan