Monday, June 15, 2009

OB appointment - 39 weeks (aka Still Waiting)

Cortney and I had some high hopes for this morning's appointment. Cort was even hoping the doc would find out that he needed to just send me up to the hospital for delivery. I was hoping that he was AT LEAST dropped...or that I was at LEAST a LITTLE dilated. Nope and nope.

The good parts about the visit were that I lost a couple pounds (which is apparently normal toward the end), my blood pressure was still good, and Eddie's heartbeat was still good (around 140).

The disappointing parts were that my tilted uterus still hasn't moved and Eddie is not anywhere near dropped. Plus there is no dilation.

So what does this mean? Well, I have another appointment scheduled for next Monday. If I make it to then and my exam STILL shows that nothing is happening, Doc will do another ultrasound to see what the heck Eddie is doing as far as growth. If he is getting too big (since I am still measuring about a week and a half ahead of schedule and he really could be nearing the 10-pound mark), we have some serious decisions to think about.

One is that I might have to be induced. This could be a long, 2-day process that may or may not end in a vaginal delivery. If the induction just can't get things to dilate or if Ed will just not put his head down where it needs to be, I could end up with a C-section.

The other option is to just do a C-section. If he is getting to be 10-pounds, it's possible that a C-section would just be the best option.

Neither of those sound anywhere NEAR wonderful to me. Not at all.

So as you all know, I am totally doing the "worst case scenarios" all over the place in my head. Cortney, Eddie, and I could use your thoughts and prayers mostly that we remain stress-free and take each thing step by step since we trust that the doctors and nurses will do everything wonderfully no matter what has to happen. Sometimes though, it's hard to keep that positive attitude on the inside even though we try to reflect it on the outside.

So...we wait.


missy widener said...

this just means you will make it through the wedding then....and another few pounds lost? dude. I am gaining just as fast as you are even more super posh. if that is normal, I have some serious abnormal issues going on...and I don't think ten pounds, he just wants to come when he feels like it...such a rock star already!!

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"I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying." ~Michael Jordan