Sunday, August 2, 2009

Is It REALLY That Bad....

Back To Sleep they call it...the newest (well, "new" in that they didn't do it when I was a baby) in how your baby should sleep. Any health professional will tell you about all the bazillions of studies that prove that babies who sleep on their backs have a vastly smaller chances of dying of SIDS than those who sleep on their backs. They call this push to make sure babies are back sleepers "Back To Sleep."

Eddie sleeps on his back totally night. During the day, he fusses and fusses and cries and I get nothing done and the two of us end up with major meltdowns by the end of the day. Not good. This doesn't happen EVERY day...I'd say half the time he can fall asleep in my arms and then be put down either in his bouncey seat or swing fine and take a great nap in those locations. But other days....oh other days....we fight.

Until Saturday. Saturday my mom watched Eddie while I ran a couple errands. When I went to pick him up, he was totally sleeping. On a blanket. On her floor. ON HIS STOMACH! My mom was calmly sitting in her chair with a book. After hemming and hawing about doing this (and surveying a gazillion mommies via facebook), I came to the conclusions that A) I was a tummy sleeper and I am totally still here and B) if I am watching him, WHY NOT!?!?

So here he is today...I totally got laundry done AND read a book that I need to teach this fall during this nap time.
I'm just sayin'...grandmas totally know their stuff (I think I mentioned in a previous post about Cort's mom teaching us the "football" hold to help tummy issues...I rest my case)!

In other news, we received one of the most thoughtful gifts this week! Our great friend, Tammi, brought over this AWESOME craftiness for Eddie's room! She must have the patience of Job to do all that counted cross stitch!

Cort hung it in Eddie's room today. We had this weird open spot on the wall...and it's like it was just WAITING for this final touch on the nursery! Thanks, Tammi!

And we march on into August...

Eight more weeks until I go back to work, but only five weeks until the kids are back, so I am busy working on lesson plans. This year I have a new class to teach, so I am also trying to get that curriculum figured out. Cortney only has four weeks until his classes start! Where is our summer going? I guess we better get out there and enjoy it while it's here!!!


Trisha said...

He looks so big. And you are so right, if you are watching he should be able to sleep however it is most comfortable. I LOVE the gift from Tammi. How nice was that and it goes so well in his room! Cute, cute, cute!!

missy widener said...

I like where you hung the picture...and I love when they scrunch in a ball like that...seriously, who doesn't like to sleep on their belly?! if only I could now...rock on eddie!

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