Wednesday, March 10, 2010

First Walk of Spring

This week the weather was beautiful here in Michigan! We had sun, sun, and more sun! So Cortney decided it was time to take Eddie out for their first walk of spring.

Even though it was in the low 50's, it was a little breezy and still pretty chilly for our wee one, so Cort made sure to bundle Eddie up really well!

Apparently walks still do for Eddie what they did last summer--knock him right out. Cort noticed a little tension on the harness, and then realized it was because Ed was leaned forward sound asleep.
Don't worry, Eddie. You have lots of walks ahead of you this spring/summer to be awake for!


missy widener said...

oh my word. that is so cute! and hello in your rock star blanket! I knew he would love it the first time I saw it...yeah!!!

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