Sunday, February 17, 2008

Valentine's Day and Nice Gestures

This Valentine's season (can you call a Halmark holiday a "season"?) brought many good times to Sluiter Nation.

Before I could claim Cortney as MY Valentine, Louis grabbed him - literally!

On Valentine's Day, among other fun surprises, Cortney brought home a pot of tulips for me - which are my absolute favorite flower!

Saturday night we went out for dinner and then decided to have home movie night. This gave me a chance to dive into another gift - but this one wasn't from Cortney.
A couple weekends ago we went out with our friends, Trisha and Ben. I mentioned that I LOVE cheese balls and that they just don't make them anymore. I expressed the huge amount of grief I felt about this.
Friday night, I went scrapbooking with Trisha, and she pulls the largest tub-o-cheese balls I've ever seen out of her car. "This is from Ben," she tells me. DANG! I guess that is what friends are for - remembering what you love and then buying it for you in bulk! :)
I appreciate the gift because I love cheese balls, but I also love that Ben thought of me when he was grocery shopping and then fought off adults and children alike until the gift could be delivered to me via Trisha.
That is one more thing that friends are for: bulk cheese balls :) Thanks, Ben!!!


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