Thursday, September 11, 2008

Not So Baby Brother

Today was Mike's 23rd birthday! We celebrated as a family be going out to eat at Outback, and I caught a couple pics of the birthday boy! That's his special lady, Ashley there with him. Aren't they a cute couple!
Our waitress made mike a tasty dessert...good thing because mom did not so much make a cake. Due, of course, to the fact that her kitchen is in shambles because of renovations. Mike understood...he was over it by the second bite of that big ole thing!
Gifts were in the parking lot...ok GIFT was in the parking lot. Mike didn't mind. He's so easy-going. I think he had a pretty good day. I know it's a bit of a bummer to have your bday fall on a day that is so sad to so many people, but we recollected the day Mike was born and our family was complete. Chris and I remember it a bit differently, but we both agree that he was happy to have a brother and I was not. Don't worry Mike, I am now SO happy to have two brothers...partly because I never had to share a bedroom, but mostly because you both help keep me grounded. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


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