Sunday, October 25, 2009

Four Months

Hey everyone! Look who turned 4-months old this weekend! That's right...our little guy is growing up faster than we can keep track!
Want the latest stats on our "big guy"? Well...Ok...
As you can tell from the post below this, he can roll over now. In fact, tonight he rolled from his tummy to his back for daddy for the first time.

He has also learned that he has hands and that they can grab things that he sees...and then shove them in his mouth. Because of this he can grab his pipey, his blanket, his burp cloth, and his toys. He also "helps" us hold the bottle when we feed him.

He can sit up with help (he is not balanced enough to sit alone). He does great when we prop him against things, though.

His voice is getting louder...and more deliberate. It's almost as if he is definitely telling us stories lately with all the ooo-ing and ahh-ing we get from him!

He is a DROOL MACHINE! I keep feeling those gums for teeth, but nothing yet...just gallons of drool.
We are slowly packing up the "infant" things: his sleep positioner, the "infant" parts of his bouncey seat and his tub. Even his swing is not getting much use these days as our big guy learns to sooth himself to sleep instead of needing to swing to sleep for a nap.

Yup, our guy is a big FOUR months now...and I know I say it EVERY month, but I have no idea where the time is going!


missy widener said...

LOVE the hoodies.

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